Stop complaining about white supremacy, it’s a waste of your time

The Freedom Extremist
4 min readFeb 23, 2021

Dear Reader,

In a CNN town hall last week President Joe Biden claimed that the rising white supremacy in the country is one of the most concerning trends in America today. In a sense he is right, after all the current leader of the free world is not immune to the occasional racist comment. As recently as the 2020 presidential race Joe Biden said that “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” and “If have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” When asked about his opinion on President Obama, Joe Biden claimed it was a miracle, “You got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy.” This is coming from the leader of the party that claims to be on the side of the minorities in the country.

There have been a lot of boogeymen created throughout history. In the 70’s the theory of “Peak oil” worried Americans that we were on the verge of the energy industry collapsing because we were nearing our capacity of world wide oil reserves. This turned out to be a hoax not in small part made by the oil industry itself to send us into the gas crisis which saw the price of gas skyrocket nationwide to almost as much as what half a gallon costs in California today. Meanwhile the Vietnam War was in full swing and frustrations were growing around the country, Roe v. Wade made the controversial supreme court decision to overturn abortion, and the Watergate scandal would begin the process of dethroning the first American president through process of impeachment.

In 1940 Charles Lindbergh, an American pilot who became a national name due to his heroic efforts during World War 1, blamed the ever present threat of war with the Axis powers almost entirely on the Jewish population. Lindbergh was a famous anti-semite whose rally cries sent a fury of antisemitic sentiment across the nation. Less than two months later America would declare war. To the surprise of Lindbergh, the Declaration of war would not be on the Jews, nor would it be on the Nazis, but instead on the Japanese who had just attacked Pearl Harbor.

In 2014 a disease we all remembered dominated the news cycle. While terrifying because the death rate was incredibly high and the symptoms inspired nightmares, the disease accrued a single death in America and realistically was nothing to worry about. Hindsight makes Ebola seem far less deadly than what it will forever be imprinted as in our minds.

The world today is riddled with things to fear, ethnic cleansing of the Chinese Uighurs is subduing millions of innocent people to concentration camps in Xinjiang, Alexei Navalny was poisoned and imprisoned as an enemy of the state simply for speaking out against the corruption the Russian government is famous for, and people are eating rats off the street ever since Venezuela became a failed state.

The truth people like to overlook is that America today is the most technologically advanced and prosperous society in human history. If you asked a rational person where and when the best place to live in the history of the world would be, no matter what race or creed you belong to the answer is clearly present day America. The American flag has long been a symbol for individual rights and peace, a calling card for any person claiming to desire something more than what any government could ever promise, a chance at creating your own destiny. If you think I’m being overdramatic, look to Hong Kong where the increasing presence of the Beijing government has protesters in the street waving our flag and pictures of Donald Trumps face. Look to Taiwan whos entire existence relies on whether or not America will come to it’s aid when Xi Jinping will inevitably attempt to consume the island into Chinese territory. Look to Russia where the American flag has long been a symbol of secret resistance to the Putin dictatorship.

Whilst a free market is not exclusive to a free society, it is a privilege expected of its citizens. This privilege is what people around the world desperately envy and for good reason, it is a privilege we take for granted on a generational basis. To those who may worry that their safety is in peril here, I ask you what of your freedom? Is it not enough that you are a sovereign person in a world continuously threatened by those who wish to enslave you? The U.S. is the grand experiment of a free society. Your only responsibility here is to pursue happiness as you see it, no one is stopping you. So do it.

